Alternative Medicine - Santa Cruz, California, United States
Acupuncture, acupressure and massage therapy, and exercise therapy for the Santa Cruz County community, specializing in the treatment of sports injuries, pain and neuro-muskuloskeletal conditions. Anthony Von der Muhll L.Ac., DNBAO is Board-certified in Acupuncture Orthopedics and in Integrative Sports Medicine. He combines advanced training in Eastern and Western sports and orthopedic medicine to provide high-quality, professional medical services. In addition to his private practice as the founder of the Santa Cruz Acupuncture Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic, Anthony also serves as a Clinical Instructor in the Sports Injury Clinic at the Five Branches University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Cruz.Providing acupuncture, acupressure, sports massage, suction cupping, and exercise instruction for pain relief and restoration of function. Acupuncture relieves pain and inflammation; suction cupping, acupressure and sports massage relax tight muscles; and exercise instruction rehabilitates injured areas for lasting relief and prevention of relapses. Together, the synergystic benefits of acupuncture, acupressure, sports, massage, suction cupping and exercise instruction can relieve pain, improve sleep and mood, and help you get back to work or play feeling your best!