Higher Education - , ,
The Sarmoung Fellowship is an organization of seekers in quest of understanding and experiencing the inherent Truth underlying the great spiritual traditions. Like bees collecting the sacred nectar, its members absorb the teaching through various methods of transmission such as study, meditation, self observation, and Sacred Dance. The purpose is to attain liberation from suffering, and involves spiritual work in the world as opposed to work in a monastery or in seclusion. The work of each individual contributes to the accelerated transformation of the group and ultimately raises the consciousness of the planet.The group meets regularly in Seatlle on Monday nights starting the Collected State at 7:45 followed by readings, self observation, meditation and zhikr. The Sarmoung Fellowship holds quarterly retreats and a week/ 10 day long summer retreat. All who are seriously seeking are welcome to join.Please contact Molly Knight Forde at 206-234-7958.