Design - , , SarvasvaSarvasva, which means the ‘be all and end all of everything' in Sanskrit, was founded in 2005 by two architects with more than 15 years of experience in large scale architecture, commercial interiors and product design.We like to work for, in and through Design…in all aspects of life, in various fields and different layers.SIMPLIFYING THROUGH DESIGN:1. Ideation, Design & Development – For Spaces, Systems and Products. This also includes R&D in materials and their applications, developing and executing, and customisation for Interiors as well as Exteriors.As part of Sarvasva's constant thought process of thinking anew, we create our own ‘designmarks' that are series of interestingly designed product ranges.2. Business Conceptualising and Strategy: We conceptualise business ventures and brands in any field and sector.3. Communication & Graphic Design: Be it for a business, an industry, a place, an institution or a person… through logo design, promotional material, sign and graphics, visual identity and packaging.4. Creating Platforms for Design Interaction: Since 2006, we at Sarvasva have been involved in the conceptualisation and organisation of different events that become platforms for interaction between designers, as well as design and the public realm. Some of these being the Pune Design Festival and the Pune Pecha Kucha Night.The other small contribution back into society is through ‘Pune Walks', our concept of organising and conducting heritage walks in the city of Pune to create awareness and preserve our rich culture, heritage, environment and architecture .Apart from these we are also very involved in academics and use our experience to take workshops, seminars and lectures; and have been invited by different organizations like IIA, NASA, IID and various institutions.
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