Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
Save Our Snow is a climate network that mobilizes skiers and snowboarders. Together, we strive for our passion to be a part of a sustainable future. We do that by working towards four objectives:Smarter LogisticsWe want the people that take us to and up the mountain to keep giving us amazing experiences — but to take more responsibility for how transportation, lifts and other services impact our climate. Better ProductsWe want the people that develop, produce and market our skis, clothes and equipment to keep giving us innovative products — but to work harder in choosing materials, manufacturing methods and business models that decrease the climate impact of our consumption. More DebateWe want the videos, magazines and role models that are giving us information and inspiration to keep broadening our horizons and show us what's possible — but to have the courage to use their influence to lead the way towards sustainable snow sports. Greater EngagementWe want all passionate skiers and snowboarders to keep enjoying the experiences that mountains, nature and snow gives us — but at the same time, to strive to spread awareness about climate change and to actively work together to reduce our collective climate footprint. By joining the network, you can join us in showing that you think that the snow sports community should do more to save our snow. Your support enables us to realize climate initiatives that lead the way towards sustainable snow sports.