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Emergency situations are happening always in life, some accidents happen in a fraction of a second and they need quick professional reactions. The acceleration of events might make the caller afraid, unfocused or unprepared; beside many other psychological side-effects accumulate as the caller faces the situation alone. Sometimes the caller is a witness for a crime and needs to record the facts or simply has to provide first aid to other people (CPR,stop bleeding nose,.....).Current Issues with 911 call that we aim to solve: The first natural reaction for anybody in emergency situation is to call 911. We would like to improve the calling mechanism by using features of smartphones. We believe that the way emergency calls are serviced nowadays has multiple issues which are: - Operator has to take time in documenting information from the caller. This might take considerable and valuable time and doesn't help in reacting to the situation quickly. - Loss of situation description if phone gets damaged or its battery dies during the call. - Difficulty in locating the caller accurately. - In many cases shocked people become speechless and unable to report the situation in details (thus they might be using video conferencing to show the operator what they are seeing) - bad description make it difficult for the operator to understand the situations. - Misuse and abuse of calling 911 centers oblige operators to take extra time to verify the authenticity of the caller. - Loss of information when dispatcher report the problem back to other emergency agencies (fire fighters, police) - Delay in reporting back to other emergency agencies because they are not directly connected to the caller - Loved ones can't be notified immediately about any accident. - Sometimes and due to coverage problems 911 service might not work well in remote areas.
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