Entertainment - , ,
The first "socialized entertainment and tourism network-marketplace", scene.app is a platform consisting of a personalize-able list of online and offline events, activities, attractions and venues (scenes) integrated with a personalize-able social network.Through its mobile and web-based applications, scene.app caters to businesses, including event organizers, tour agencies, attractions, hotels and venues (restaurants, cafes, lounges, clubs, galleries, gyms, etc.), and to individuals, including both residents and tourists. The platform is a marketplace where businesses and individuals (potential customers) interact and transact within a socialized ecosystem by connecting, chatting, attending, organizing scenes and purchasing/selling tickets or offers.For businesses, the platform provides a one-stop self-service-based journey to list online and offline events, activities, attractions and venues (scenes), attract lifestyle-segmented audiences and engage with them for free. The platform also enables businesses to promote, sell tickets & offers, manage inventories, manage check-ins and extract actionable data.With its Travel feature, individuals access other cities' scenes and social networks. Users can plan trips ahead, connect with others and purchase tickets and offers. The Travel feature further expands business's reach, allowing their scenes exposure across cities and to relevant lifestyle-niches to therefore increase sales and footfall.For individuals, scene.app provides a personalized journey to find free, ticketed or offer-oriented online and offline events, activities, attractions and venues appealing to their unique lifestyle preferences. The platform also allows individuals to connect with like-minded people sharing similar lifestyle interests online-to-offline. Most importantly, scene.app gives "the power of the Organizer" to individuals in addition to businesses, where they too can organize "their kind of scenes with their kind of people".
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