Motion Pictures & Film - Washington, Washington, United States
ScenicPlots enables storytellers to showcase their stories to movie producers, book agents and streaming networks such as Netflix, Apple TV, Amazon, Hulu, Disney Plus and YouTube.ScenicPlot is a database for Story Tellers to showcase Story Synopsis, Story Treatments, Story Plots and Story Ideas in bite sizes. These bite sizes are presented in three categories of Bronze -1,000 words or less, Silver - 5,000 words or less and Gold - 5,000 words plus.ScenicPlots enables storytellers to write a bestseller novel or movie in 1,000 words or less.ScenicPlots aggregates Story synopsis according to Genres, Settings, Titles, Storytellers and Geographic locations by allowing each Story to join other Stories thereby presenting an endless plethora of stories with no beginning and no end.ScenicPlots enables storytellers to earn token payments when a story by another storyteller is joined to their story.ScenicPlots enables storytellers to compete against each other to determine who is more creative.ScenicPlots is available as a digest of stories where readers can read from a variety of storytellers from across the universe of different genres, languages and settings.SCENICPLOTS relieves storytellers from the doldrums of a lonely vocation by challenging them to compete against the highest rated storyteller.ScenicPlots enables storytellers to tell their stories on the go and reach a global audience on the go.ScenicPlots enables storytellers to collaborate on a story in real time and promote and market each other as a team.SCENICPLOTS represent storytellers in helping them solicit and sell their creative works to the highest bidder.With ScenicPlots, you can read a story in less than ten minutes.