Management Consulting - N/A, N/A, CN
S&P is a China-focused management consulting and financial advisory firm, founded in 2005, crafting practical solutions focused on both high-level strategy and execution to create sustainable success. As a boutique consultancy our clients benefit from the attention and insights of our senior partners on every project. Our clients know we at Schmittzehe & Partners are always there with them and are just as committed to their bottom-line.\\Regardless of how our clients need support, at Schmittzehe & Partners we draw upon our analytical intellectual capital, diverse operational experience and wide network of industry experts to take their business to the next level. Our proven team of professionals is intellectually agile and grounded in operational experience, working with our clients we can meet needs ranging from projects in business development, market strategy, transformational change or investment research. Please visit our website ( to see all our services and expertise.
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