Higher Education - Lecce, Puglia, Italy
ISUFI is a School of Advanced Studies (located in Lecce, southern Italy) which aims to provide the best Unisalento students with a transversal, systemic and international education in order to develop the right skills to deal with current and future issues.To achieve all these aims our students are expected to follow extra activities which support and especially broaden their own university education, such as:- various group activities, courses and seminars regarding different themes which several degree courses deal with.- an in-depth study of the core subjects of each degree course through both class lectures (often followed by laboratory experiences) and individual yearly project, chosen by the students, in which they investigate and demonstrate (under the supervision of a professor as mentor) the results of their own research.- an improvement and a refinement of foreign languages (English, French and German) following courses, held by native language experts, which aim to provide comprehensive linguistic skills, from reading and listening comprehension to written and oral production.Furthermore, ISUFI provides:-College accomodation for its students (both to live in and to do extra activities) which encourages a spirit of team work;- scholarships and different possibilities of funding for projects.In order to have all these opportunities, each ISUFI student:-is selected solely on the basis of merit through a public entrance exam each year;-has to maintain an average grade of above 27/30 with a minimum of 24/30 in their university courses;-has to take part in extra activities (conferences, lectures, yearly project) which total is 250 hours per year and has to undergo a 6 month period of study abroad.