Marketing and Advertising - , Gauteng, South Africa
A youth marketing company, SchoolMedia was conceptualised in 2010 by a 19-year-old entrepreneur with a vision of connecting communities "one school at a time". Since then Khethi Ngwenya's dream of making information and advertising accessible to learners, educators, parents and students has become a reality. The company works to build communities by connecting them with relevant products and services from the private and public sectors. Companies, such as adidas and Rotary International across the board have engaged with this audience through SchoolMedia. SchoolMedia reinvests a portion of the company's turnover into Corporate Social Investment (CSI) and Green projects in the schools where it operates. The goal is to uplift the schools through sustainable initiatives, such as the The Green Project (GGP), Clean City Campaign, a wildlife conservation awareness programme, a permaculture garden and donation boxes. The company has an inherent understanding of the youth market and what this segment of the market finds relevant, informative, and will engage with. It strives to provide the youth market it serves with pertinent as well as useful information from further their education, understanding and looking after their environment, fighting crime and developing sports as well as product information. SchoolMedia has the rights to media and advertising placements in more than 9 000 schools across the country, reaching six million learners. This makes its' national footprint the most effective platform to reach the youth market. Through its partnership with the National Association of School Governing Bodies (NASGB) it has the exclusive distribution rights in schools that belong to the Association.
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