Government Administration - Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
SDS International is a TOTAL educational engineering firm. We are a brand with an identified core competence in learning environment and teaching efficiency. We guard durability jealously as our competitive advantage.We handle projects of building schools from site analysis through the architectural design and land scraping, to construction and furnishing.We offer classroom models that revolutionize schools. Classroom models is a creative assembly of 4ft by 4ft standard sets of four magnetic boards. A unit set of model totaling 16ft by 4ft, is assembled for a particular class with appropriate consideration of the curriculum. We have the following types of board(magnetic):White boardWriting boardGraph 2B boardGreen chalk boardRuled 2A boardRuled boardGraph boardMusic board andWhite matt board.Identification & Writing Slate: SDS slates are almost indispensable in the preparation, initiation and development of DECENT HANDWRITING especially in the early childhood education. We have two slates with four faces;Graph 2B face - Matching & alignmentPlain white face - Scribbling & tracingBig graph 2B face - Alignment & 1st miniature2D face - Guide & 2nd miniature.Our Digital Interactive White Board evolved due to the need to harness the ever expanding information and the huge quantity of knowledge we need to deliver to our children.SDS furniture are produced with space management and cost effectiveness. We have the capability of a customized product, the ruggedness of our furniture guarantees durability. The aesthetics of our products meet international standard.Training: Every child is blessed with some latent creativity, we empower teachers through our training which activates their creative ability. We offer four cardinal solutions to the core and learning challenges. These are;Decent Hand WritingGood Reading HabitHigher Intelligent QuotientGuided Creative Intuition.SDS is indeed a one stop shop just for schools!!!