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SciArchives is an electronic platform to publish scientific research, publications, conference proceedings and other scientific and academic contents electronically on a single portal. SciArchives has been created to promote the scientific and research activities in every field and benefit the society by distributing the scientific content to academic, non-academic institutions and individuals. Prime vision of SciArchives is to create India's largest academic database, promote India based journals and conferences at low price with international standards and distribute them across India and through out the world.It's not just only that, but also one which keeps in close contact among the academic people around the globe. SciArchives can help you get in touch with the right people and organizing the events in your institution on regular intervals. SciArchives is a trusted source and the ultimate E- Platform for exploring the world of academia.1) Please go to www.sciarchives.com and browse articles/conferences as per your requirement.2) If you are organizing an event/conference, please promote your event/conference by adding it on SciArchives.3) If you like SciArchives, please recommend us to the library of your Institute and we would thank you with an unlimited access to all the research articles.4) Please let us know about the journals/publishers you would like to have on SciArchives and/or ask them to join SciArchives, to conveniently have them all on one platform. This will help us build a larger database as per your requirements of Indian and Asia pacific journals and conferences.5) Please provide us your feedback using contact and support page. Your feedback is essential to improve the quality of the SciArchives experience.If you have any questions, please contact us by email on info@sciarchives.com or through SciArchives website.