Leisure, Travel & Tourism - Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Everyone who has visited Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam knows part of the magic is in the traffic. What is the most popular and efficient mode of transport in Saigon? The answer is Motorbike. Walking or sitting on a cyclo, you could not go far out of District 1 where most tourists stuck in. Modern car and bus could not take you through small alleys and hidden corners of Saigon – hard gems that should not be missed. On a motorbike, you can stop any where to chat, touch and smell many strange things along the road. You are looking for sightseeing, eating or shopping tour in Saigon? Talented guides of Scooter Saigon Tour are pleased to take you to anywhere you want in Saigon on a Scooter.
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