Entertainment/Media - Old Fort Bay Nassau, N/A, bs
Scorpion Radio Group consists of #WirelessMobileRadio stations of various formats, streaming 24/7: Renegade Radio Nashville (Contemporary #CountryMusic, http://.renegaderadionashville.com), Classic Rock The Vault (Deep-cut #ClassicRock music, http://classicrockthevault.com). The Phoenix (#ModernRock & #AlternativeRock, http://.phoenixintermedia.com), Performance Motorsports Network (#Motorsports #Racing #TalkShow programming, http://performancemotorsportsnetwork.com), Party Zone Radio (DJ mixes and #PartyMusic, http://partyzoneradio.com), Extreme Metal Worx (#HeavyMetal music http://extrememetalworx.com), The Blues Alley (#BluesMusic http://thebluesalley.com), Island Beatz Radio (Authentic #Caribbean #IslandMusic http://islandbeatzradio.com), EcoPlanet Radio (#ContemporaryRock http://ecoplanetradio.com), Route66CruisinCountry (Uptempo #CountryMusic Hits http://route66cruisincountry.com) . Plans are to launch several more stations within the next year, including Oldies, Classic Country, Contemporary Christian and more! Emphasis is on less commercial interruptions, capability of live remote broadcasting, sponsorships and introduction of new artistic talent.
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