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We utilize a suite of dependable creative processes to produce unique,actionable ideas in a compressed time-frame.Our mission is to swily move your company, your brand and your products to further success.Faster than you previously thought possible, we can help you a create a widerange of viable options as solutions to three specific marketing challenges:#1 Strategic InnovationIf you are preparing to launch a new communications campaign and would like to explore a range of positionings or strategic directions, we can rapidly develop an array of options for you and clear expressions ofthose ideas for testing.#2 Product InventionPerhaps your company sees an opportunity in expanding a product line or extending a brand. Within weeks, we can help you invent new product ideas for evaluation. And we'll give you those ideas in a form that allowsyou to easily merchandise your favorites within your organization.#3 NamingYou may already have a new product or innovation that you are excited about but haven't locked in a name.Maybe you need a naming convention for a suite of services? Or perhaps you need a name for a new company?In a very short amount of time, we can give you many viable, exciting, testable alternatives.