Capital Markets - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Securities Vault is a dynamic capital management firm that provides ASX-listed companies with an alternative method in which to access capital and liquidity.The company was founded by Nathan Lodge and John Gaffney after they recognised a gap in the market for small-to-medium cap companies looking to raise capital. They found that companies of this size often experienced poor service levels, high fees and sub-optimal results. The concept for Securities Vault was borne from the vision to provide these under-serviced companies with a means of raising capital that is transparent, flexible and cost-effective. Unlike traditional forms of raising capital, Securities Vault offering places control back in the hands of the issuing company. Structured similar to a US style At-The-Market (ATM) facility, Vault's ‘Stand-By' facility allows the client to self-direct the capital raising process, giving them decision-making power on issues such as pricing, quantity and timing.They key benefit of the facility is that funds are raised by selling newly issued shares at prevailing market prices. This contrasts significantly to traditional forms of raising capital, where pricing is generally set as a discount to the VWAP over a certain period. As a result, the net proceeds that an issuing company would receive using the Stand-By facility are generally higher than it would under the alternative.The Securities Vault model also avoids the classic conflict of interest issues that arise when an intermediary (broker) is acting on behalf of both the company that it is raising capital for and the underlying client base it utilises to raise the capital (or at least a proportion of the capital). Unlike many of these intermediaries, Securities Vault acts solely for the company raising capital, and not the investors.We welcome the opportunity to fully outline the advantages of our offering a look forward to assisting you with next capital raise.