Education Management - , ,
Seemanta Engineering College, Mayurvihar, Mayurbhanjwas the pet project of the Seemanta Mahavidyalaya Samiti.The project was instituted in 1997 to cater to the longcherished demands of technical education of North Odishaand the bordering regions of Jharkhand and West Bengal.The Institute domiciled the confluence of NH – 18 andNH – 49 in the clean, green and serene foothills of SimilipalNational park as its permanent abode. The site of theInstitute in such an exquisite ambience crafted anatmosphere perfectly conducive for the quest of residentialEngineering. The team of dedicated, experienced andqualified faculty with a commitment to groom professionalsof the 21st century's corporate cosmos blended with anactive corporate focussed placement cell facilitate theInstitute's success story in leaving an imprint among thestudents and their parents.The establishment of Seemanta Engineering College duringthe 90's in the district of Mayurbhanj in the extreme Northend of Odisha bordering the then Bihar and now Jharkhandand West Bengal won accolade from all quarters of crossborder intellectual society. The institute was the one andonly Technical institution of the entire North and RuralOdisha by then.This ISO 9001: 2008 certified institute of Mayurbhanj startedits operation with three disciplines of Engineering for 180aspirants. By dint of sheer commitment, hard work andinnovation it could enhance its portfolio of disciplines todayto provide BTech. Programme in Electronics &Telecommunication, Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil,Electronics & Instrumentation and Computer Science andPost graduate programme in MCA & M.Tech to 576Prospective technocrats every year with due approval fromthe AICTE, New Delhi and Govt. Of Odisha and affiliationfrom BPUT, Rourkela, Odisha.