Health, Wellness & Fitness - , , was created to help the world share rewarding news about good people. We aim to highlight and inspire the very best in humanity on good news story at a time. see some good believes that we see and experience a lot of good every day. Research shows that for every bad thing that happens there are three positive things that happen as well. So why don't we hear about the good more often? Probably because we are wired to focus on the negative. But what if we could shift this thinking and start to see some good? And what if writing about some good made us feel better? And what if we took that a step further and shared some good with others and it helped them feel better too? Studies show, this is all possible and is helping to accelerate all the good feelings. If you'd like to seesomegood, join our 2 Week see some good Challenge. The results are overwhelmingly good!
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