Mining & Metals - Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Seisdrill operates as the drilling division of Velseis Pty Ltd. Velseis is a seismic exploration company providing a fully integrated range of seismic technologies. Velseis has built a reputation as the leading Australian contractor in this field, with over 25 years of experience throughout the Asia-Pacific Region. The company provides contracting services for coal, mineral and hydrocarbon exploration. Velseis' Seisdrill Division was established in 2001, as part of a committment to providing a fully integrated seismic exploration service. Seisdrill is an evolution of Geodrill Pty. Ltd, a company with 30 years of seismic shothole experience, primarily throughout the Cooper, Surat, and Bowen Basins. Our rigs are capable of drilling to a maximum depth of 300 metres utilizing air, mud and down the hole hammer methods. For seismic exploration purposes hole diameters commence at 5.125" for the kelly rod and reduce to 4.75" and 4.5" for subsequent rods depending on drilling conditions. Air is delivered from on board compressors rated at 900 CFM/200 P.S.I. For mud drilling we utilise portable steel mud pits which eliminates the necessity of having to excavate mud pits in-site. Almost all our drilling operations involve drilling numerous shallow (average 25 metres) 100-125 mm diameter holes on surveyed lines of sufficient quality.
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