Management Consulting - , Illinois, United States
Sell Brilliantly is committed to sales professionals, small and mid sized business owners, and entrepreneurs grow their business revenues and profits. Working with Sell Brilliantly to learn revenue enhancing sales solutions, enhance sales strategy, identify streamlined sales processes, and other brilliant sales gems. The Sales And Marketing training and coaching that we provide can help you dramatically increase your revenue while decreasing the stress of chaos that envelopes so many sales teams. Our customers find even a short 1 week engagement results in new imminent buyers, compressed sales cycles, improved sales strategy and increased revenue. As an export Sales Strategist, I ensure that you have both the best possible tactics and strategy to ensure your sales success. David (The Sales Strategist) and Selling Brilliantly can help you: ♦ Unclog your pipeline. ♦ Drive salesperson accountability. ♦ Help managers and their sales force close more business. ♦ Objectively analyze sales activities ♦ Identify key steps required to close specific sales opportunities. ♦ Help managers identify how to address each salespersons needs. ♦ Increase closing ratios. ♦ Improve personal and team productivity. ♦ Interview and Assess Potential Team Members. ♦ Build or redesign your company's sales strategy. I've spent over 10,000 studying the top sales trainers, sales strategy and business trainers and attended multiple sales training programs including: Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jordan Belfort, Neil Rackman, David Sandler, Huthwaite, Neil Rackman, Jeffery Gitomer, Michael Bosworth, Seth Godin, Sandler Sales, Franklin Covey, Joe Polish, Dale Carnegie, Michael Gerber, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Earl Nightingale, Dan Sullivan, Mike Koenigs, Ed Rush
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