Education Management - İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Merhaba ben Hale Caneroğlu!"SEN DEĞİŞ DÜNYAN DEĞİŞSİN" diyerek çıktığımız bu yolda; VİZYONUMUZ: Mutluluk öğrenilebilen bir yaşam biçimidir. Kendini insanoğlunun mutluluğuna adamış bir bilim dalı olan POZİTİF PSİKOLOJİ'nin uygulamaları ve daha nice KİŞİSEL GELİŞİM YÖNTEMLERİ ile bireyin iyi olma hali bilinçli bir şekilde arttırılabilir. Bireyler, potansiyellerine ulaşarak hakkettikleri güzel yaşamı yaşayabilirler.MİSYONUMUZ: Dokunabildiği kadar çok insana dokunarak dünyanın daha mutlu bir gezegen olmasına hizmet etmek.Hello, this is Hale Caneroğlu!The phrase "CHANGE YOURSELF TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD" was actually the closing sentence of my TEDx talk performed in January 2018. Back then, I never imagined that my talk would reach such a large audience and that this closing sentence would arouse so much admiration. On the other hand, I, myself, liked the phrase so much that it became a MOTTO for me. "CHANGE YOURSELF TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD" then became the name of my platform, which I had always dreamed of and which serves for the WELL-BEING and HAPPINESS of the humanity. In this journey that we began with the slogan: "CHANGE YOURSELF TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD";OUR VISION is as follows: Happiness is a life style that can be learned. With the applications and interventions of POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, which is a science devoted to the happiness and well-being of humanity, and with many more Personal-development METHODS, the well-being of the individual can be improved consciously. Individuals can reach their potential and live the beautiful life they deserve.And OUR MISSION is to serve the purpose of making the world a happier planet by touching the lives of as many people as we can through motivational speeches and workshops.