Public Relations & Communications - , ,
Note: SeniorCare Marketing's website is under construction. SeniorCare Marketing is the only public relations/marketing agency meeting the unique needs of companies, providers, facilities, agencies and organizations in the North Texas senior care industry. Today's seniors are not the "old folk" of the past. Although some are in dire straits, most seniors in D/FW have the health, freedom, resources and time to do whatever they want, and the money to pay for it. They may be retired, but they're not just sitting around. Many work for the love of it, go back to school, start their own businesses, travel, you name it. Because people 50 and better are the fastest growing population in D/FW, there is an ever-growing demand for services and products geared to their interests and needs - from healthcare to housing and finances to food. And when their issues are complex and the solutions aren't simple, they and their fami-lies turn to providers they trust for answers - like you. But before they can trust you, they have to know you're here and how you can help them. Even if you advertise, do mailings and/or have a website, you still may not be reaching those who need you. Putting the two of you together is what SeniorCare Marketing is all about.