- São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
LEGAL ADVERTISINGOptimized, specific solutions and focused on your publications. We provide all the information necessary for you to publish your corporate act, notices, notice and balance sheet presented in accordance with the law. We publish in all newspapers of great local and national circulation, Diário Oficial dos Estados (DOE) and Diário Oficial da União (DOU).PARALEGAL ADVISORYWe put at your disposal specialists from the main business areas: legal, accounting, tax, financial and real estate, able to answer your questions in an agile way.CAPITAL MARKETCommunication on Public Offers for investors or potential investors, by participating institutions and / or by the broadcaster and offerors, in an impersonal and indiscriminate manner.CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONWe make an appointment between the right tool and the ideal solution, knowing the client's needs, with strategy and in-depth mapping of the businessesand performance of each client.CHANGE TO BEWe offer a free consultancy that aims to optimize the main costs in Legal Advertising. Do like our customers and reduce up to 40% of the global cost of this obligation.
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