Management Consulting - , ,
Our expertise includes: KNOWLEDGE-BUILDING Five key areas of Customer Focus Training are offered at Service Transformation. Sessions can be built with the duration and breadth to best meet the needs of your company. Major training topics are: 1. Understanding the Service Transaction: The ©Nine Rules of Good Customer Service. Sessions are delivered to build knowledge of participants on the key elements of the service transaction and how to deliver consistently excellent service. 2. Beyond Feelgood Feedback: Surveying your Customers for Actionable Input. Participants learn how to build relevant, useful surveys to gather customer perception of your business capacity to deliver. Session covers why "satisfaction" surveys waste time and money. 3. CCM: Customer Complaints Management. First, "fix the complaint and then fix the business…", so the complaint doesn't arise again, is the basis of this training. Your staff will understand how to manage themselves and the customers in a highly professional way that enhances customer loyalty. 4. Management Manners Matters: Internal Customer Service. The complexity of managing staff as internal customers in the business supply chain is covered using the framework of the ©Nine Rules of Good Customer Service. 5. Engineering Business Supply Chain for Service Excellence Value-stream mapping and engineering back office processes and systems to achieve the excellence in service that your frontline people so crave to deliver.
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