Restaurants - , , is a tool to help service staff and restaurants find each other through our staffing application. We help users save time and money by eliminating the inefficiencies classified boards create in both finding jobs and hiring job seekers. is the first-ever system that allows hiring managers to proactively find their service staff without being flooded with unorganized emails full of applicants. We enable these managers to filter & find the candidates they are looking for within seconds instead of wasting hours organizing all of the applicants' data. Managers are now able to post as many job openings as they would like to ensure current and/or future openings are helps job seekers find restaurant jobs by enabling them to apply at more places with less time. We are essentially partnering with these individuals to help them maximize their time by finding the best positions possible for their unique qualifications. We do this by matching them with restaurants who fit what they are looking for regardless of their current job status. Also, job seekers can follow restaurants so they will know when job openings occur instantaneously.