Environmental Services - Belgrade, , Serbia
Established by the young entrepreneur SETrade has early recognised the need for the controlled Electric and Electronic Waste (recycling WEEE) in the country. Considering that they are the very first WEEE processor with adequate machinery and professional made equipment, the management is hoping to achieve high volumes of processing and reach a profitable operation in a shortest possible timeframe. WEEE in Serbia is currently not systematically collected and abundance of old household equipment, Personal Computers and other waste could be found across the country. There are several black spots which are considered to be the most acute, mainly around large Serbian cities. Having in mind that in previous 40 years no organisation, institution or private individual has taken systematic action in this direction the amounts which ought to be retrieved are immense. Absence of WEEE collection and processing has already enabled SETrade to sign important waste collection contracts from several large companies and municipalities. These collections are chargeable and SETrade earns revenue from this initial activity. On the output side, over 60% is separated as a valuable material that can be re-used in various industries. The list of precious metals and other elements is outlined in further text. Prices vary, but given that most of these metals are traded on commodity exchanges around the world, buoyant demand exists in this part of the world too. SETrade has in this way closed the recycling process, but would like eventually to offer a "final product" which is 99,99 pure metal extraction. To achieve this, preliminary contracts has been signed with the local smelter.Early June SETrade has received large WEEE Recycling Machine manufactured by MeWa Recycling – world's leading producer of recycling equipment. The machine is currently being assembled by the manufacturer's engineers and will become fully functional by the end of July.
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