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SEVEN BUSINESS, LLC, which was registered in Santa Clara, the "IT heart of USA", in 2014. We devote ourself to enhance the business connections between China and USA. The IT, law service, financial service, education, real estate, travel and investment evaluation are the major 7 industries in USA that we commit to build the bridges for the customers in China. We can see the trend of the cooperations between China and USA becomes closer, hence, we sincerely enjoy the honour to engage in offering the China's enterprises high quality assistances toward running business in USA. SEVEN BUSINESS, LLC,赛文国际商务有限公司位于美国加州的著名的高科技云集区—硅谷。全美三分之一的风险投资都集中投在这个商业圣地,故该区更有"美国心脏"之称。不仅高新科技是硅谷的核心,由科技产业带动的一系列金融、地产、公司服务咨询等行业也在此区域蓬勃发展。赛文国际商务旨在促进中美未来更紧密的合作,致力于科技、法律、金融、教育、地产、旅游、项目投资等7大领域的交流与合作,为中美搭建高品质可靠的接洽桥梁。