Legal Services - Rome, Lazio, Italy
Studio Giuridico Economico, known as SGE, is a legal and economic/financial consulting firm established for the purpose of providing consultation and assistance in the fields of law and economics to promote Italian business, primarily on behalf of Italian businesses, and its shareholders. The business plan quickly took shape and developed in these areas, so that in recent years SGE has served primarily as a corporate lawyer, for example in handling domestic and foreign contracting, compliance of internal processes and documents with Italian and foreign legislation, corporate organization, financial structuring of ordinary debt rather than in extraordinary operations (private equity, venture capital and issues of corporate bonds), and international development – including also the creation of production sites – and providing consulting services and assisting businesses and sector leaders in the various steps leading up to extraordinary legal-entity operations such as increases and/or reductions in capital, mergers, demergers, sales of companies, divisions equity and shares; assisting in the preparation of the minutes of annual meetings, board of directors meetings and shareholder-agreement meetings.For these reasons SGE has also acquired extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, sought after by companies interested in acquiring or selling off businesses, and at times resorting to corporate reorganization and minor pre-bankruptcy settlement procedures. In addition, the SGE department that handles globalisation has over the years acquired experience – from some of the founders of the multinational sector – and knowledge in the structuring and establishment of corporate joint ventures, in establishing branches aimed at acquiring extra-European market shares, and in arranging "export credits," making use of the services of SACE (which in Italy handles export credit insurance) and the services offered by SIMEST (financial development and promotion of Italian companies abroad). All these activities involve primary Italian and international financial institutions. Major operations have been conducted over the years in the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Israel, Brazil, Malaysia and Bangladesh; major collaborative operations are also currently under way in India.SGE's Family Office has taken on assignments in consulting and assistance for the establishment of internal trusts, and its members serve as Protector for some of these.In the financial and banking field, SGE is a consultant for many Italian banks and their corporate finance and wealth management sectors, Italian and foreign investment finds, and banking trust companies.Alongside these functions, the SGE legal department has acquired decades of experience in ordinary and pre-trial litigation, as well as corporate, banking and financial disputes and in arbitration proceedings.SGE has its headquarters in Rome with offices in Naples/Nola.Lo Studio Giuridico Economico, in sigla SGE, è uno studio di consulenza legale ed economico/finanziaria, nato con l'intento di fornire consulenza ed assistenza, nei campi del diritto e dell'economia, in favore dell'impresa italiana. SGE, oggi, è una boutique di servizi professionali specialistici, forniti a clienti selezionati; la sede principale di SGE è ubicata a Roma. Oltre all'ufficio di Napoli, è attiva anche la sede di Londra. Oltre ad assistere le imprese clienti nel contenzioso, in veste di "Giurista d'Impresa", SGE si occupa di consulenza in tema di:- contrattualistica nazionale ed estera; - compliance alle norme nazionali e comunitarie; - operazioni straordinarie (inter alia: private equity, venture capital, emissione di corporate bond o minibond);- Merger & Aquisition; aumenti e riduzioni di capitale, fusioni, scissioni; cessioni di aziende, rami, quote od azioni; - ristrutturazione del debito e/o di procedure per affrontare la crisi d'impresa.