Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Founded in 1996 and headed by Dr. D.N. TiwariUtthan operates in the areas of Research & Development for promoting sustainable development education health & human development for eradication of poverty & empowerment of weaker people. It also explores very useful programs for surface soil mined areas around cities degraded forest lands dry lands and wastelands.Its projects cover distressed migration areas backward and inaccessible areas with poor community and communication and areas with deficits in food nutrition and health support. These include ten districts in Uttar Pradesh two districts in Chhattisgarh and four districts in Madhya Pradesh States. Utthan's main activities are : Demonstrating and promoting agroforestry models in different ecosystems Promoting herbal medicines Developing technology for cultivation of Jatropha curcas in degraded lands for biodiesel production Demonstrating watershed management rainwater harvesting and ground water recharge for augmenting water availability Reclaiming degraded land through watershed development. Implementing Joint Forest Management strategies for curbing deforestation Literacy and adult education programmes Health and Sanitation programmes and health fairs