Machinery - Rochester, New York, United States
With a proven ability to deliver solid returns on investments, Share Consulting offers client-tailored integrated process solutions that improve performance, eliminate waste and increase operating margins.Typical ROI is better than 10:1 - Contact us today to learn how we can help you!Share Consulting, LLC performs a variety of services in the areas of process, operational and organizational design, improvement, optimization and recovery.CONSULTATIONWe provide onsite and remote technical and organizational consultation that generally consists of a situational assessment, performance analysis, recommendations and guidance.LEADERSHIPWe offer a collaborative leadership service for projects and programs of significant complexity, extending our participation beyond the consultative assessment, through solution development and implementation. We use our proven ADI Process (Assess-Develop-Integrate) to achieve turnkey solutions.ASSESSMENTWe offer a variety of independent, internal, and external assessments, audits and surveys that evaluate- Process Capability and Compliance- Quality Assurance- Risk Posture and Tolerance- Customer Satisfaction- Supplier Performance- Competitive ThreatsTRAININGWe offer general and customized training programs in- High Reliability Process Design- Continuous Improvement – Lean, Six Sigma and ADI- Root Cause Analysis- Technical Problem Solving- Risk Management- Supplier & Customer Management
Microsoft Office 365
GoDaddy Hosting