Machinery - Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Dobot is a world-leading provider of intelligent robotic arms. Our solution seamlessly integrates AI-powered lightweight robotic arms and proprietary software suite, effectively helping industrial clients navigate around rising wages, lack of qualified laborers and other bottlenecks preventing companies to scale. By replacing traditional manufacturing processes with advanced human-machine collaboration models, Dobot meets the demands of flexible production, plays a critical role in elevating China manufacturing industry and will be the standard of tomorrow's smart production process.In addition, Dobot is proud to be spearheading robotic arm awareness in education and research. We have partnered with globally renowned K12 and higher academic institutions, providing Dobot robotic arm solutions to over 200,000 million educators and researchers.Dobot is customer centric and values independent innovation. In the past 5 years since founding, we insist on developing our own solution on key technologies. Our team is always one step ahead, creating new product categories and defining new smart production standards to support the manufacturing industry.越疆科技是世界领先的智能机械臂解决方案商,桌面机械臂开创者,以人工智能技术为驱动,以"超小型、轻量化"智能机械臂为载体,通过一体化解决方案,帮助客户解决人力短缺、劳动力成本上升等制约企业未来发展的瓶颈问题,彻底改变传统模式,高效满足日益增⻓的柔性生产需求,重塑生产场景,推动中国制造转型升级,目标成为全球智能制造标配,解放一切可解放的人力,创造人机协作最优配置。同时,越疆积极推进人工智能技术的产学研结合及学科的普及教育,已累积为全球百余家各类高校及教育机构提供了一站式解决方案,教育培训覆盖人数超过 100 万。"成就客户、自主创新、诚信服务 "是越疆科技的价值观,公司成立五年来,坚持关键技术自研,秉承"领先一步"的企业文化,开创新品类,引领业态发展,定义智能制造业新标准。