BioTech/Drugs - Baltimore, MD, US
Over 5 million people die annually from trauma, tragically threatening the lives of millions more.Shock Therapeutics Biotechnologies, Inc. was founded by Donald Gann M.D. and Dan Darlington Ph.D. to bring to market a revolutionary new approach to shock treatment, which preclinical evidence suggests may significantly extend the opportunity to provide critical care. Backed by an innovative team ready to tackle the challenges ahead, STBI is positioned to revolutionize the treatment of shock.We are currently seeking angel and seed investment and strategic partners to help us complete preclinical development of our novel therapeutic over the next 2-3 years in preparation for clinical trials. Feel free to contact us at to learn more!*Notice: content and communication through Shock Therapeutics Biotechnoloiges, Inc. social media are not an offer to buy securities. Investment opportunities are open to accredited investors only*
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