Venture Capital & Private Equity - Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
At SHS Capital we are committed to Building European Healthcare Champions, by helping to accelerate our portfolio companies' growth. We do that by following high ethical and sustainable standards. If you are looking for the right partner to bring your Healthcare company to the next level, reach out! focus onPhases: Growth cases and "Mittelstand" companiesRegions: DACH, Benelux, and the NordicsIndustries: Life science, Medical technology, Diagnostics, Digital health, Applied technologies, and industrial biotechnology & pharmaceuticals (no drug development)Investors can participate in a diversified portfolio of innovative companies from the life science and medical technology sector via SHS funds. Our investor base comprises private and institutional investor groups with a long-term focus. We currently host investors from well-known family offices, pension funds, pension schemes, fund of funds, banks, churches, health insurance companies, industrial companies, the European Investment Fund, and the KfW.
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