Sporting Goods - Vila, Encamp, Andorra
Shusski is one of the main rentalski companies in the Principat of Andorra, the biggest ski spot in the South of Europe.The company was created in the year 1982 in Pas de la Casa, Andorra.In the year 1985 was bougth by the Pujal family and since 1985, the General Manager of the company is Enric Pujal junior. The company arrived to have active 11 rental shops in Andorra in the 2013-14 season.In the season 2014-2015, Shusski joined with another big skirental group of the country-Pic Negre S.A, becoming the #1 network of skirental shops in Andorra. We have 26 shops and beside the rent, we also offer in our shops the top brands to be bought- Salomon, Burton, Volkl, Head, Eastpeak, Bufff, Oakley,...Our headquarter is in the village of and Encamp and +130 members make up the team.We also have to relevant websites- & to allow people to rent online and for the professionals an extranet and a booking platform.Shusski- Live the Ski Experience!