Financial Services - Calgary, AB, CA
SIA Wealth Management Inc. (SIAWM) is an independent investment management firm focused on building financial wealth by constructing diversified funds and portfolios based on Relative Strength analysis. A Calgary based wealth management company, SIAWM is focused on Relative Strength analysis and risk management. The analysis and subsequent portfolios will encompass various asset classes via Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) investment vehicles. Our Unconstrained Mandate approach provides SIAWM with full flexibility to manage its funds in accordance with all market conditions including the ability to move out of the equity markets entirely in the event of a bear market.SIAWM was founded in 2012 (formerly SIA Markets Inc.) and is currently registered with the Alberta Securities Commission and the Ontario Securities Commision. SIAWM is a Calgary based Portfolio Manager, Investment Fund Manager, and Exempt Market Dealer. SIAWM has a licensing agreement with (SIAC), a technical analysis company which provides Relative Strength analysis, risk management and portfolio construction. SIAC's specific research includes many proprietary and customizable investment tools such as the SIAC Relative Strength matrix, currency/dividend adjusted charts, multi-discipline investment scans, charting capabilities, alerts, SIAC Equity Action Call and SMAX indicator, portfolio tracking, marketing, and much more which takes Relative Strength to a whole new level and gives us and our clients a comprehensive solution to investing.
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