Management Consulting - Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Sight Executive Group is an international advisory firm working across multiple industries and executive functions. Our mission is to help clients to build and sustain top performing leadership teams in order to achieve results. Sight Executive Group work with the decisive resource in business – people. The key to success is to proactively attract and develop individuals that are, capable and willing to do the activities identified as critical, in order to achieve and exceed the business targets. Sight Executive Group possess through their consultants and partners many years of experience consisting of both network and expertise within: Executive Search and Executive Selection (internally and externally). Executive Coaching and Executive Team Development. Every assignment regardless of purpose Sight Executive takes on, starts with an analysis to determine what is needed to be done, broken down to concrete activities. A cornerstone for Sight Executive Group is to work in close confidence with our clients. We strive hard to be a trusted and respected advisor. Only then do we get the information needed, to fully understand the demands. This is also the foundation to form a long-term value adding relation with clients. This close relation generally put demands on Sight Executive Group to carry out more multi-faceted assignments for example: talent mapping establishing the basis for succession planning facilitation and driving of change processes To support the implementation of different processes Sight Executive Group uses internationally recognised assessment tools.
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