Advertising/Marketing/PR - 33 Risto Rytin Tie 33, Helsinki, FI
A-lehdet is a bold and innovative media house that has grown to become an expert in living and health, as well as a pioneer in digital influencing. The A-lehdet Group comprises the parent company A-lehdet Oy and its subsidiaries Finnish Design Shop Oy, Hyvinvoinnin Tavaratalo Oy and Genero Oy. The Group has annual net sales of approximately EUR 100 million. A-lehdet publishes high quality magazines and creates attractive media brands. Story of A-lehdet Oy started when the Lyytikäinen family founded Apu magazine in Helsinki 1933. Today A-lehdet is one of the largest media houses in Finland. The company is owned by the same family, now in the third generation. The products of A-lehdet cover all fields of life from house repairs and decoration to cooking, free-time activities, well-being and improvement of the quality of life. The stories in the magazines are of today’s world, its events and people, pictured in a genuine and captivating way. Our brands are Apu, Apu Krypto, Apu Ristikot, Apu Terveys, Avotakka, Demi, Eeva, Image, Kaikkien aikojen Joulu, Kaikkien aikojen Jouluherkut, Kaneli & Sokeri, Kauneus & Terveys, Kotivinkki,, Maku, Meidän Mökki, Meidän Talo, Meillä, Mondo,, Trendi, Tube, Tuulilasi, Unelmien Käsityöt, Unelmien Talo&Koti, Viherpiha and Voi Hyvin.