Telecom Services - Carrer Balmes 65 4º 2º Barcelona, N/A, ES
Through the advance in technology the world has become "mobile"; at SITmobile we create and develop the tools that help enterprises adapt to this change. It's time to make your business mobile.SitMobile is the leading multi-channel Marketing Mobile communication. SitMobile is a multinational company that was created in 2001 in Barcelona and is now part of the Soprano Design Group; together they form the world's largest mobile enterprise messaging software company for mobile network operators.With offices in Barcelona, Sao Paolo, Río de Janeiro, Medellín, Santiago de Chile, London, Manchester, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Seattle, Atlanta, Toronto, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sidney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Wellington, Auckland.Through the advance in technology the world has become Mobile; at SitMobile we create and develop the tools that help enterprises adapt to this change. SitMobile brings mobile communication expertise to your business. SitMobile integrate all mobile channel communication; SMS, SMART SMS and EMAIL in one Platform, were you can create, manage and analyze your Marketing Mobile campaigns.Connect with your clients today!
DNS Made Easy
Rackspace MailGun
Microsoft Office 365