Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
Skin2pi is a privately owned company that concentrates on supporting local and organic ingredients, the product is mostly free of preservatives and it uses all natural ingredients.Skin2pi started in 2011 in order to formulate lotion/cream/toners using 10 or less natural ingredients for each product. We love organics and respect nature, none of our products are tested on animals.Skin2pi believes that good products does not have to have scary price tags, all our products are carefully calculated to ensure our customers do not over pay for their skin care.If there are any questions please contact us at contactus@skin2pi.comWebsite is currently under construction, products coming soon in June 2011.*The concept of the company logo's design is based on the formula of a circle, Circle Area = π • r² , in the hope that our company's product will bring you perfect skin. Hence the name Skin2Pi.
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