Environmental Services - , British Columbia, Canada
P R O F E S S I O N A L S E R V I C E S • Bird populations: breeding bird (BBS) and other taxa surveys (e.g. nocturnal owl, nocturnal marshbird, riverine and riparian waterbird, waterfowl, shorebird, grouse lek surveys), aerial waterfowl surveys, aerial and ground raptor nest surveys, migration monitoring & avian use surveys, marine bird surveys, ground telemetry, bio-acoustic birdsong interpretation, behavioral observations, nest sweeps and monitoring for Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) compliance• Mammal populations: wildlife sweeps and critical wildlife habitat feature surveys, sand and snow-tracking surveys, statistical analysis for population density estimation from track count data, backtracking carnivores and ungulates, line transects (Distance sampling), ungulate aerial surveys, aerial beaver/muskrat surveys, ground & aerial telemetry of collared wildlife, collar retrieval, small-and mammal capture and safe-handling, field necropsy & kill-site analysis, bat acoustic surveys, marine mammal surveys• Herptile populations: acoustic & visual breeding evidence amphibian surveys, reptile presence & hibernacula surveys, venomous snake safe-handling, amphibian capture & relocation (focused Western Toad and Coastal Tailed Frog)• Species at Risk (SAR) & Biophysical Assessment: SAR (bird, mammal, amphibian, reptile) surveys & habitat assessments• Vegetation, Habitat and Wetland Inventory: wetland delineation and classification, critical wildlife habitat assessments, ecosite classification, habitat and landcover ground-truthing, assistance to rare plant surveys• Research, Data Analysis and Scientific Reporting: study design, statistical analysis, technical reporting and writing components, collaborative academic publications
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