Graphic Design - , ,
Slant Creative Group is a graphic design company that delivers more than just creative: We provide our clients unique and consistent visual communications and offer benefits that most of our competitors cannot, such as expertise in prepress, complete knowledge of printing, and proficiency in paper, ink, and coating selections for your particular project. Because we are a small company, we can tailor our services to meet your needs and provide complete, hands-on support. And we are confident that the quality you get from us will help you attract new customers while the fast turnaround will help you keep existing ones. simple • sophisticated • slanted Simple design is an oxymoron. Great creative only looks ‘simple' because a lot of thought and planning has gone into making it look that way. Our many years of combined experience in graphic design and print make it look easy. Sophisticated ideas are the backbone of good creative. Polished, innovative, well-executed creative can make the most basic concept compelling. We are driven by our clients' needs to create messages that capture audiences' imagination and attention. Slanted personalities help too! Every member of our team brings a unique attribute to the group and the collaboration of all this talent is focussed on every client engagement. We provide a fresh angle on brand identity, print design, web design, photography, and advertising and we partner with agencies to provide high-end prepress support to achieve exceptional print results.
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