Information Technology & Services - Bratislava, Bratislava Region, Slovakia
Diploma in Fashion Designing - secured 1st class in Oct 1996
About SCSTIThe SCSTI is the directly-managed organization (public body) of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. The institution was established in 1938 as the Slovak technical library and since its establishment has belonged to pioneers in new library and information services implementation.The SCSTI is the national information centre for science, technology, innovation and education and specialized scientific library of the Slovak Republic. It coordinates activities and ensures the operation of interdisciplinary R&D centers and national infrastructures for research, development, innovation and education. Is the host institution of the National Contact Points for HORIZON 2020 and ensures operation of the Slovak Liaison Office for R&D in Brussels.O CVTISR Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR (CVTI SR) je ako priamo riadená organizácia Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR národným informačným centrom pre vedu, techniku, inovácie a vzdelávanie a vedeckou knižnicou Slovenskej republiky. Koordinuje činnosť a zabezpečuje prevádzku interdisciplinárnych výskumno-vývojových centier a národných infraštruktúr pre výskum, vývoj, inovácie a vzdelávanie.
Digital Ocean Spaces
Atlassian Confluence
Microsoft Office 365