Internet - Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
PEER2PEER TRIPADVISINGSlug is the most effective app that allows you to be guided by your friends.Above and beyond travel guides: your networks at your discretion.CONCEPTRequest and obtain insider tips from your inner Circles about where to go.Create holiday travel lists with the advice of your friends who've already been there.Put your knowledge in common in your Circles and build the best groups of spots by category (ex: afterwork hangouts, hidden gems in Paris ...)Organize meetups, checkin and let the members of your Circle only know where you are.WHY?No matter where you go, there is an 85% chance that someone from your entourage has already been there. Advice from your circles will always prevail over anonymous ones. Therefore having the possibility to access your friends' recommendation anytime within reach is comforting and useful.However, all the place-sharing apps look the same and fail to address this call. This is a highly fragmented market and no monopoly has been established yet. Addressing this need with the right mechanics can lead to becoming a major player.OUR SECRET SAUCEYou don't want to share the same places with your mom and with your best friends. That's why with SLUG everything revolves around circles. With our technology, you can get the most out of SLUG even if your friends don't have it yet. Including someone to a circle at anytime will give them access to what has been shared inside.Silver Trails are group of spots: Afterwork hangouts, Hidden gems in Paris... They flow into circles where each member can contribute and feed new spots. Within your circle, you can arrange meet-ups, check-in and comment any shared spots.THE GUYS BEHINDOur CTO has a proven track record in building complex information databases yet user-friendly. He worked on the development of complex business projects around the SmartCity & IoT for clients such as Bosch, Dubai360…