SMA Solar Technology AG

Waste/Recycling/Environmental - Arcadia, FL, US

SMA Solar Technology AG Employees
Rasim Demirel

Plant Service Engineer

Contact Rasim Demirel

Sebastian Lepies

Head of Compliance & Labor Relations

Contact Sebastian Lepies

Patty Wu

Regional Senior Expert (APAC)

Contact Patty Wu

Ting Wang

VP of Sales China, India & SEA

Contact Ting Wang

Nick Borowiec

Senior Product Manager, Salesforce Platform

Contact Nick Borowiec

Anne Jung

Global Head of Application Process & Process Management Sales & Service

Contact Anne Jung

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SMA Solar Technology AG Details

SMA designs, manufactures and markets inverters and photovoltaic equipment for residential, industrial and commercial sectors.

SMA Solar Technology AG logo, SMA Solar Technology AG contact details
Employees: 1000 - 4999
Location: Arcadia, FL, US
Revenue: 500 Million - 1 Billion
Solar inverter technology Battery storage management Commercial PV power systems Large-Scale PV power solutions
SMA Solar Technology AG Technologies
Email Providers


Marketing Automation


Content Delivery Networks

Amazon CloudFront

Load Balancers

Amazon Elastic Load Balancer

Customer Relationship Management


Email Delivery

Amazon SES

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Are you looking for contact information for SMA Solar Technology AG? ConnectPlex is the ideal place to find key contact information for SMA Solar Technology AG and connect with decision-makers and professionals in the industry. Our extensive database of company information, gathered from reliable sources, ensures that you can quickly and easily find contact details for SMA Solar Technology AG and other companies of interest. At ConnectPlex, we understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date contact information for businesses. That's why we're committed to providing high-quality company data to help you make meaningful connections and grow your business. Whether you're looking to expand your network, explore new business opportunities, or stay up-to-date on industry developments, ConnectPlex is the perfect resource for all your business needs. Start your search now and discover the power of ConnectPlex!

SMA Solar Technology AG is a leading provider of solar inverter technology, battery storage management, and commercial and large-scale PV power solutions. With a focus on sustainability and renewable energy, the company has established itself as a prominent player in the waste, recycling, and environmental industry. Headquartered in Arcadia, Florida, SMA Solar Technology AG boasts a team of experienced professionals, including Pamela Fiume, Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer, David Orlowski, Product Owner, Ulrich Hadding, CFO, Sandra Kani, CEO, and Amanda Nana, Founder. The company's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has earned it a reputation as a trusted partner in the solar energy sector. With a revenue range of $500 million to $1 billion and a workforce of 1000 to 4999 employees, SMA Solar Technology AG is a formidable force in the industry. Its website,, provides a comprehensive overview of the company's products and services, including its cutting-edge solar inverters and photovoltaic equipment designed for residential, industrial, and commercial use. SMA Solar Technology AG's dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility is evident in its mission to provide clean and renewable energy solutions. The company's focus on innovation and customer satisfaction has made it a leader in the solar energy industry, and its commitment to sustainability has earned it a reputation as a socially responsible business.

SMA makes, builds, and sells equipment that helps homes, businesses, and industries use solar power. They offer products for all three sectors, making it easier for people to switch to renewable energy.

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