Nonprofit Organization Management - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
SMACNA of Central Indiana & Fort Wayne are local Chapters of the Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) which include over 100 chapters across the United States, Canada, Australia and Brazil. SMACNA is a trade association representing member contractors who perform work in various sheet metal markets such as; heating, ventilation and air conditioning, architectural sheet metal, kitchen equipment, test and balance and energy management in commercial, industrial, and institutional settings. SMACNA of Central Indiana & Fort Wayne represent sheet metal contracting firms in 49 of the 92 counties in Indiana. Membership includes; access to SMACNA technical publications, safety standards, legal consultations, labor relations, collective bargaining, corporate issues directly affecting the sheet metal industry and promotion of SMACNA to the mechanical and construction community. By providing education and training to our contractors, employees and apprentices we help to establish SMACNA industry standards assuring the highest quality of craftsmanship in the fabrication and installation of sheet metal products and systems.SMACNA of Central Indiana and Fort Wayne is the accredited employer bargaining agency and is responsible for the negotiations and administration of the collective bargaining agreement with SMART, the international association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Union Local No. 20. The Central Indiana Labor-Management partnership provides a highly trained, safety-conscious, drug-free, skilled workforce that will continue to serve our area of the Sheet Metal industry.
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