Accounting - Industry, Texas, United States
Our goal as a company is to help small business owners minimize taxes. You will find our solutions very straight forward and practical for day to day use.Our services are provided to clients in two distinct methods: Traditional and Remote.Traditional clients authorize SBSI to process all of their data. Clients in this category have the option of either sending their data electronically through the FTP site or granting SBSI access to downloading their bank statements and credit card statements to our secure server. All of the bookkeeping data received from the Traditional client, will be processed by SBSI.Remote clients are those who participate in all or a portion of the basic bookkeeping. These clients partner with Small Business Solutions, Inc., to complete their processing and bookkeeping. Remote clients must provide the same data to SBSI as Traditional clients. For more information on this system, see Remote Processing on the website. A remote processing client signs assignment agreements (see QB Assignment Agreement, Expense Report Assignment Agreement and Payroll Assignment Agreement in the SB Virtual Office Manual) selecting the steps they choose to complete and are responsible for.
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