Human Resources - , ,
"Make the world smaller and create dreams for more people"Our Mission is to provide engineers all over the world with the best stage to work in Japan.We provide human resource services specializing in foreign engineers.Established in 2008, CRAFTS Inc.(group company of SMALL WORLD inc.) is a company for application and system development. the company's inception, we have actively recruited engineers from around the world and developed many projects with foreign engineers. For more than 13 years, we have been confronting problems and issues that foreign engineers face while working in Japan, and have cultivated our own knowledge to help them with a smooth transitioning to Japan and it's work culture.Based on our experience of working with many foreign engineers, we established SMALL WORLD in 2019 to provide engineers around the world with the best platform to work in Japan."世界を小さくし、多くの人の夢をつくる"世界中のエンジニアに、日本とゆう最高の舞台を提供する事が、私達のビジョンです2008年に、グループ会社であるアプリ、システム開発の株式会社クラフツを設立。創業当時から、インド人、韓国人、海外のエンジニアを積極的に採用し、多くのプロジェクトを外国人エンジニアと開発。13年以上前から、外国人エンジニアが日本で働く際に抱える問題、課題に向き合い、独自のナレッジを培う。多くの外国人エンジニアと一緒に仕事をしてきた経験から、世界中のエンジニアに、日本とゆう最高の舞台を提供するため、2019年にSMALL WORLDを設立。
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