Media Production - Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Thank you everyone.[ Sound / Music ]Sound Supervisor/Producer/Promoter/Remixer/DJ/Piano/word/make and player/, work and company[ Design / video / Art ]design Creator at a video creation Image Creator/VJ/Supervisor/Produce/Promoter/, work and company[ IT and network/(On and Off) / multimedia ]Web/Server/Mail/,etc, hostingWeb Design/code a programMultimedia managementproject management(Analyze/External and Internal Design/Coding/Testing/Operation/Maintenance)Supervisor/Produce/Promoter/ work and company[ Social issues ]Social WelfareNGOs and NPOs supportersCorporate sotial contributions(CSR)Support the SEIQoL(-JA/-DW)All psychology/Clinical Psychologist/Social workerAll statistics/(Hayashi's quantification methods.I、II、III、IV、V、VI)(Analysis of variance)All Marketing (4P/4C/GDL/SDL/,etc.)Supervisor/Produce/Promoter/, work and company※Silicon Valley and TOSHIBA, Statistics Researcher (miura)[ ,etc. ]International Organizer (miura)※immersion in literature and of literature and music.and (Design / video / Art/IT and network/(On and Off) / multimedia/Social issues)Thank you and best regards,