Smart M (Smart Talent Management Consulting Co., Ltd) Details
Talent Recruiting experts ( from traditional headhunting consulting models, SmartM has specially built a team of experienced consultants who are proficient in Internet, E-commerce and New Technology fields. We focus on development trends and talent information in these fields to provide our corporate clients with the most accurate and prompt demand for talent recruiting. At the same time, professional individuals are able to obtain great opportunities via our platform.Supported by our online media platforms, we are the first organized communication platform in Taiwan that focuses on E-commerce, Digital Marketing & Internet. We provide hundreds of series of courses, large-scale forums and seminars. Furthermore, we have already built a strong network of connections that integrate upper-level professionals from a wide range of corporations. These all help us to satisfy the demands for talent recruiting quickly and accurately.SmartM aims to become the talent hub in the Asia Pacific region, currently exposed in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and expanding to other countries.SmartM 四大服務:《SmartM 專業獵才服務》l 專注網路產業、軟體科技領域人才發展l 亞太地區跨境人才媒合服務l 獨創學校及媒體社群,匯集專業經理人l 業界獨有人才資料庫,快速滿足雇主需求《SmartM 企業人才培育》l 百人與千人規模,超級企業講師與趨勢大型論壇l 最佳企業培訓顧問,點中企業痛點的諮詢服務與內訓課程規劃l 新型態!多講師、多專業搭配的系統性公開班課程l 翻轉學習,24小時商務知識文章、數位學習影音,串聯新知不間斷《SmartM 電子商務學校》l 課程學習、互動交流、串聯網路圈人脈,打造台灣第一電商學校l 匯聚百位電子商務領域的企業CEO組成顧問團,打造台灣電子商務認證課程l 接軌亞太電商、跨境合作,建立溝通橋梁締結交流l 影響力第一的台灣電商平台,隨時掌握最新電商動態《SmartM 商務社群媒體》l SmartM電子商務網,引進全球最新網路、電商知識與技能l SmartLinkin商務社群網,提供商務人士O2O知識、經驗、人脈平台l 多媒體閱讀與社群內容,獲取知識與觀點更快速有效l 定期提供電子商務大數據、網路產業人才報告
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