Management Consulting - Corsham, England, United Kingdom
CUT CARBON EMISSIONS, REDUCE COSTS AND ENERGY CONSUMPTIONFormed in 2014, SMARTech energy has firmly established itself as a major player in the energy management and reduction sector and brings together expertise, technology and services which guarantee a cost effective approach to the implementation of energy management; helping organisations to cut carbon emissions, reduce costs and energy consumption.SMARTech energy have recently launched Energy Efficiency as a Service: The zero capex approx to reducing your organisation's energy consumption.It represents a shift from customer-owned equipment, towards a model where SMARTech energy invests in energy efficient technologies with the savings shared between the customer and SMARTech energy – and are guaranteed at between 20% and 50%.Using a diverse portfolio of more than 33 energy saving technologies, SMARTech energy maintains ownership of the technologies, designs the project, funds the materials and installation costs and monitors the performance to validate the energy savings. The energy savings are then split approximately 33% and 67% between the client and SMARTech energy respectively.For more information on EEaaS, please contact our energy consultancy team on 01225 635 660 or contact us through the website
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